Friday, March 21, 2014

Why Crazy Socks Day!

Today is World Down Syndrome Day!!!!!!!

I have been wearing Crazy socks to celebrate this day for four years now and have only today been given a feasible understanding of why we crazy people do this.  I thought it was simply that we were crazy about our kids and we wanted to make sure we stood out to make the world say: "Hey, why are you wearing crazy socks today?"  And then we could tell them about Down syndrome and how the ordinary chromosomes because "extraordinary" when you add an extra one.  Why today?  Today's calendar represents for us the 3rd Copy of the 21st Chromosome that makes Down syndrome. 

And then my cousin posted a picture on Facebook from the World Down Syndrome Foundation.  It showed a pair of socks, heel to heel.  When socks are heel to heel, they look suspiciously like the mapping of a chromosome.  So simple really, all I could so was say...  "Ohhhh...Yeah, didn't see that one."

Oh well, it's okay.  I still was wearing the socks for all the right reasons even if I was cloudy to a true, deeper meaning behind them.  Now I sound intellectual when asked why we wear the crazy socks which is such a bonus over my answer the last three years...  "I dunno...we're just crazy like that I guess!"  ;-) 

So today it's simply about wearing a pair of socks because we all love Bradley.  Considering I saw Madison wearing her crazy socks from last year, I think there is some argument that deep down the girls just really love to wear crazy be damned!  Dad's have anchors on them...I think he misses his anchors only just enough that wearing anchored socks takes care of that for him.  ;-)  As for me, well I do have to fold laundry.... :-)

I think that based on past school photos, my girls would have always harbored a love of all things slightly off the beaten fashion path...Bradley's existence into their lives merely gives them a socially acceptable conduit, should they ever seem to think they need that kind of acceptance for crazy. 

Bradley has opened the door for all things slightly off the beaten path for the whole family.  At our house, it's okay to be who you are going to be.  We'll roll with it and work with it. You still have to do your chores so I guess that means if you want to be an irresponsible deadbeat you're out of luck... but otherwise, I think we're pretty tolerant.  I think we try pretty hard to make sure that the different lights in our house get their moments to be seen and heard (especially heard in Sydney's case...doesn't stop talking that one, takes effort to focus on listening that long that often so you don't miss the point, she quizzes you on these things!).  And I say this having just had to complete a surprisingly long schedule for Bradley that indicates all I do for him and the time it takes me.  I can see now why so many other things aren't getting done because now I see where all my time goes.  As tedious and time consuming as it was (I mean, what else would I ever find time to do during my respite care hours...) it actually helps to know why there is fatigue and when I don't get to everything, I can see why the frustration happens.  Doesn't put more hours in my day...but that's here nor there.  We've recently been granted more respite care hours...Bradley's Service coordinator seems to think I could use the breaks...question is...if I take more time away, how am I ever going to get or stay caught up?  Selfishly, I want the break....realistically...I am not sure I should. 

Anyway, with the knowledge of why we are wearing crazy socks today, I hope you will go forth into your world wearing your craziest socks and boldly explain their purpose.  And if you are so lucky to know or know of my amazing "extraordinary" son, you can even say you do it because you love him! 

Have a great day everyone!!  Thanks so much. 

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