Monday, November 5, 2012

Bradley the Computer Hacker!!!

Welcome November! 

November would usually bring in the rain, cooler temps, you know something that let's us here; even in Southern California, know that Winter is actually considering coming to our part of the country.  Boiling today outside leads me to believe that winter has decided to hound the East Coast and thinks we are insignificant on the West Coast.  And the East Coast has been hit hard of late, we're still praying for those affected. 

So the kids have been sick.  Sydney had a Sinus Infection, then Madison had a Virus, and now Bradley has some sort of something that is of course complicated and not easily treated...wouldn't want to be different by any means.  The positive side of all this is that so far, (knocking on my head in lieu of wood) we haven't had to change his feeding schedule.  Instead, he has taken to a 3am wake-up call for me.  Not that he's crying or anything, instead he stands up in the crib and starts banging the feeding machine and pole against his crib.  I wake up to this tapping coming from the baby monitor.  All goes well, I get him back down then head back to bed, hopefully before Eric and I pass in the Hall as he goes in to turn him off at 5am...some mornings this has been close enough we've had to adjust alarms or just turn him off early.  It's a little hard to think straight in the middle of the night; these are bigger decisions than one would think - well, in the middle of the night anyway. 

In the midst of this - when not in the middle of hacking away; poor baby, Bradley has been quite extraordinary; in good ways and bad.  Where to start?  We use sign with him, I try to give him every sign I know if I say it - sometimes he understands and sometimes he answers back.  So we're getting Bradley ready for bed, he's out of the bath and getting dried and dressed.  I put his shirt on him, then he's holding his pants.  So I ask him (all of the words I used signs for I'll put in brackets), "Do you [want] to put your pants [on]?" 

Bradley laughs and is busy throwing his pants at me.  I said, "[Help] [Mommy] put them [on]." 
He starts making the sign for [car] to which I laugh and said, "[No] [car] pants [on]." 
He signs car to me again and I laugh I realized that he tossed his pants with the police cars and fire trucks on them, so I laugh and go, "Oh, you want the [cars] [on]!" 
Bradley laughs at me and points at me like, "Now you're getting it Mom!" 

So that was the good part of Bradley's antics.  Then there was today.  I went into the kitchen trying to clean the floor, I hear no more Dinosaur toy in the living room with Bradley, so I peek around the corner and can't see him.  Look over the couch and see him on squatting on something...hmm...  closer look.  He's standing on top of my laptop.  Clever little turkey found my laptop, opened it, laid it on the floor, then stood on it.  I rescued the laptop and check to see that he has somehow managed to copy the entire Desktop in order to make duplicate files there so that now there are left to right, top to bottom full! 

So I fix that issue, then I go back to finish the floor.  I come back in and attack the laundry.  I manage to get it all folded and start putting it away - I walk back into the living room and I see all of Eric's clothes on the floor....grrrr..... let me refold all those clothes and then put them away...  I finally get them all folded and start putting the rest of the clothes into the rooms they belong in.  I come back in after I make my bed and put some of my clothes away, only to find that same little turkey now sitting up on MY DESK!  He's sitting cross-legged in front of the desktop monitor, holding the mouse in his hand.  The camera for the computer is GONE - lost behind the monitor.  And then there is the monitor. 

Now to tell you the rest of this story, let me just say that this is not the first time Bradley has attacked the computer on the desk.  In fact, not too long ago he managed to turn the Display on the Monitor 90 degrees to the left - with just the mouse.  So when Eric got home, he fixed that.  So fast forward to today.  Same position for Bradley, in front of the computer, and new position for the Display.  He managed to turn the Display completely upside down!  Good grief!! 

So I took a picture and I sent it to Eric at work, then I told him "Now you know why this house is so messy all the time...and why it's gonna stay that way!"  HAHA.... 

Ah keep life interesting!  These were your stories today!  I got some of Madison's and Sydney's stories waiting for another day! 

Have a great night! 

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