Tuesday, October 3, 2017


October 3, 2017

I think one of the many things that Eric and I have worried about with Bradley is whether or not he will have friends.  He has so many medical issues that we stopped putting so much pressure on the theory of whether he would blend into a regular classroom and be able to be a part of general ed.  Honestly, it's not that we don't care, we just don't have the energy to plan that far ahead.  Right now he has to be vented at school, he has to always have his seizure medication with him at all times, and he currently is still in diapers because his little GI trac is quite unpredictable and really isn't sending his body signals to warn him of impending doom.  I do believe that someday he will be potty trained; and I know some of you think I am delusional at times; but to be fair, my belief in Santa Claus is more a belief in the magic of Santa and I think completely justified.  But my point here is that until I can get him to that magical moment of knowing and going...I don't see any chance of general education for him as more than a partial day kind of thing.  And while some will disapprove of my choice, I am currently okay with where he is at in school and those around him.

We want him to grow socially and start to interact more effectively and appropriately with the world around him.  We want him to be able to initiate not just his needs but his wants.  As we continue to use signs to help bridge the gaps in his non-verbal to attempt at verbal world, I keep learning new signs and so does Madison.  I have a fifteen year old linguist who developed a strong first year French brain and dropped year two so that she could take American Sign Language in order to be able to pick up more sign and talk to her brother.  This class is offered by the local community college at her High School, and she is so animated and excited to be learning all that she is learning.  I ask her all the time, "What did you learn today?  Will you teach me some of your new signs?"  And she does.  And she's so excited because she goes to her brother and teaches him new signs or sometimes she sees his approximation of a sign that she recognizes from class and she knows what he's saying.  It's pretty cool to watch.

When he is at school, Bradley is in his everyday class, but has started to blend in to another Special Day class twice a week.  Suddenly, everyone knows Bradley, and somehow these incredible kids know me.  They see me with him once, and they never forget who I am to Bradley.  I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it is to hear one of these sweet kids call his name and say "Hi Bradley!"  One little girl goes out of her way to approach him and tell him Hi, and ask him about one of his favorite activities in their classroom.  Today, she saw me as I was walking in to pick up Bradley and she hurried to me and told me: "Bradley is the sweetest little boy!"  I smiled at her and told her: "And you are the sweetest girl."  Her smile was huge as she started to walk away, I said: "I am so glad he has class with you."  She grinned over her shoulder: "Me too!"

And if that didn't make my day, picking him up from school sure did.  Turns out Bradley has buddies in class that he is growing very close too.  He and two other boys like to play cars together, but then he really likes to sit next to the new girl.  Score for him, she sits next to him during Goal work in the mornings.  Last year, we noticed how his little friend was really bringing out his social side.  When I picked him up from school one day, his little friend put his arms out for a hug and Bradley complied, he bent down and hugged his friend.  What ensued was a massive hug fest as he and two of his classmates hugged each other back and forth for about five minutes.  I walked away with a little allergy issue realizing that my son had friends.  The same little boy is in his class this year, and their relationship is continuing to grow and get stronger, and I couldn't be happier.  They play together and they vie for the attention of one particular aide in class that they both adore.  I have witnessed my son swoop into her work area before his friend can get there so that he can work with her and not someone else.  I love to watch his brain working through and problem solving to get what he wants.   Cute little manipulator that guy!  ;-). And like in every epic friendship comes the part where they like to get into mischief together.  Today for example, when the two of them were on the playground and
decided to attempt to climb out of the fence area.  His teacher said they stood together at the edge of the fence and both were taking turns trying to put a foot through the opening between the fences to see if they could climb through and make a run for it. I know that I'm supposed to be irritated with this kind of escape attempt and mimicking of behavior that is probably not the best practices...but dang!  My little boy and his adorable partner in crime were planning and attempting to execute a great escape, how cool is that?

Today it's breaking out of the playground, tomorrow???  Oh my gosh the sky is the limit!  Make mischief little boys, grow together, learn together and may you have the chance to continue this budding little friendship for the rest of your lives.

My son has a friend.  I wanted to believe that it would happen, I just wasn't sure when or how.  But am so thankful that it happened so much sooner than I feared it would.  Acceptance by a friend, is all we ever truly want isn't it?  So thrilled that my little guy is finding that right now.

Day Three of the 31 for 21 Blogging...and my how beautiful Acceptance truly is!

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