Monday, October 9, 2017

Happy Columbus Day!

October 9, 2017

One of my most favorite days of the year... Columbus Day.  No expectations but one: a day for Eric to be off work while the kids are in school.  Sounds mean doesn't it? The kids don't get a break but the parents do. Actually, it sounds like a small slice of Heaven.  Bradley is my job; in fact, the government encourages parents like me to maintain Bradley's many needs rather than paying someone they pay me.  Considering I can't work outside the home in the available hours he isn't with me, I'm not one of the parents who complain.  Way too many others do...I just don't get it.

Anyway, on a day like today, I see this as a sweet gift.  He takes me to breakfast, and it's actually a date.  Maybe breakfast isn't really romantic, but after three kids...we'll take what we can get.  We then did a little shopping, looking for Peppa Pig of all things.  Bradley had a tough time going into his Blending classroom last week, so today we went in search of small Peppa Pig figures that staff can use to encourage Bradley to comply with instructions like: going into and out of the blending class, and to work while in there.  When he did make it in the time before the time before, he wanted to only play with an Ice Cream Stand toy there.  Hopefully, tomorrow Peppa Pig will be along to assist him transitioning.  We'll see.

From there it was back home for a coveted, long, and restoring nap.  No I get it, we're party animals that are hard to be kept up with.  But it is worth the effort.  Granted we slept till the alarm said to go get Bradley, but it was still a great morning!

After picking up Bradley, we continued the decadence and took him to lunch.  We sat him in a corner of a booth, next to Dad and the little stationary music selector machine at Johnny Rockets.  He managed to sit in the booth until just before the food arrived.  He started to try to roam at this point.  From standing, to trying to climb over Dad, to climbing on the this point we went ahead and parked him in a high chair and he proceeded to demolish a hot dog, including half the bun and a good smattering of fries.  As meals go, it was a huge success!  We picked up Sydney from School and Madison from the library.  My sophomore chose friends at the library rather than hang out with her old, boring parents.  I'd laugh, but until lunch, the highlight of the day was the nap.  But with us boring, old folks there was milkshake potential.  Haha, her loss!

Now, Eric has Madison at Volleyball class at the College, and Bradley and I have Sydney at her 8th day in a row of Volleyball, today at the Club the girls will play for this Season.  It'll be ten before I get to see my Honey and my oldest volleyball player.  Having had a nap, I should be awake to greet them.   Otherwise, since most Monday's have been like this, I don't always stay awake that late.  Columbus Day has certainly become High on my list of the best days of the year!!!

I love catching time with my guy, I love the reminder of why I knew he was the One, I love the chance to catch special time with both my guys, and then sitting here tonight watching my little volleyball player go at it, I sure love that too.  And in the midst of this clinic, I went and vented her brother, and as soon as I was back, she was on water break but came running over to me, checking her brother was okay.  Worried he was having one of his many gagging and retching episodes, and she wasn't with me to help him.  I told her he was just fine; the normal care, go have fun!

But I have to tell you, I really loved that!  Like her Dad said when I told him: "She's a keeper!"

Fitting for this day...all the great things crammed into fourteen hours, and we're still chugging along.

Fun day Blogging, keeping the Challenge!  31 For 21, Day 9 in the books!!!

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