Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Importance of Georges

October 24, 2017

The power of George.  Bradley has a few loves: all things Lightning McQueen, George Pig and all things Peppa, and Curious George.  Thanks to Netflix, he can follow most of his favorites, and then thanks to YouTube and his IPad, he gets access to all the others.  I was thinking that he was a perfect Curious George, he is curious and he manages to cause chaos on a regular basis.  When he does create chaos and plenty of trouble, he also happens to be so very cute at it, you tend to forgive him.  As he helps you clean up (sort of) it's a little easier to weather, a little.  Cute or not...some messes just suck to clean up.

Sometime around the time he fell in love with Curious George, he discovered Peppa Pig.  What I thought would be a quick fancy, has turned into a full fledge love affair.  When he is connected to Wi-Fi, he watches on YouTube, when he doesn't have Wi-Fi, he watches the first season of episodes that I bought for him and put on his IPad.  Although not a huge fan of stuffed toys, he will occasionally play with his little stuffed Peppa that talks when he presses her tummy.  He really wants George to do something, but he was apparently broken out of the box, he is even quieter than usual for George's character.  Bradley finds George’s lack of voice in the stuffed toy very upsetting.  George has since been missing for days.   Though our family wishes him only good things, we are pleased that this is a holiday that particular George toy will not be returning from - don’t tell Bradley, peace in the house and all;  however, his lack of interest in anything stuffed truly is a Godsend here...for the most part he has let this go.  Anyway; in the show, George spends a lot of time quiet, saying one word here or there, mostly "Dinosaur" and then he cries a lot.  Bradley doesn't cry a lot, but he has been known to drop the tears for no reason, with little reason, cause he's tired, or mad or angry...or anything he wants to express that he can't quite get through in his mostly non-verbal communication.  Mostly crocodile tears although of late, we have been on the receiving end of full belly sobs that are just the most heart breaking sort.  Anyway, for the most part he can get across what he needs and wants to us, just like George.

As much as Bradley is a true source of chaos on most days; much like that monkey, he really seems to share a kindred spirit with Peppa’s wee brother George.  And yet, I don’t know that he truly prefers George to Peppa, I think he enjoys them equally.  I just happen to see a great deal of Bradley in George.  I see the way that the family relates to George, I see the way that he is stubborn but sweet, predictable in his strict habits and preferences, and yet surprising everyone with his little moments here and there that are to quote Peppa herself: “Brilliant!”  To which George echoed her in a new word for his character: “Brilliant.”

And just like the good little brother he is, when his sister is being super vocal while watching her team in the World Series we hear her little brother repeating her.  From cheering to her chanting “Tay-Lor” in a deep voice...he was following along saying it after her and then laughing his butt off as he was trying to cheer with her too.  Impressive really.  We know that he can make all the sounds, individually.  Trying to get him to throw those sounds into order to create words is a difficult process and when he does do it, he usually says it so low that you have to really listen for it - double check around you to see if anyone else heard it and agree with you that yes, he just threw out another word. Tonight though, he was very loud and clear copying his sister.  And much like Peppa who was very proud of her little brother, so was Madison.  So proud she wanted hugs and kisses which he gave while laughing...I was hoping for more words, but hey, they both seemed happier with a whole other language so that was cool too.

So as I look for Halloween customes for Bradley over the next few days (nothing like waiting until  the last minute) I know that I am looking for a George, some sort of George.  A monkey or a pig, I don’t really know which one I want more, and I don’t know which he’ll want more...we’ll have to see which one he goes for and hope it fits.  Like literally fits, we are cutting it a bit close and costumes are going to be harder to find now.  Size might negate his preferences all together.  In truth, he might be part of McQueen’s pit crew at the rate I’m going, but that’s not so bad either.  Bradley spends a great deal of time carrying around his Lightning McQueen car, so what better costume for him than as a member of a pit crew holding his McQueen?

Either way, he’ll be super cute, and may just get a little closer to others understanding “Trick or Treat” from him than ever before.  Who knows, he might even throw out a new word and surprise us all.  That would be quite cool too!

All in all, he has chosen the cutest, nicest little characters to love and growing up loving those guys is not a terrible thing.  Everybody loves the George’s, pretty much everyone loves McQueen.  Being loved is the best possible goal to have; aim high and dream big little guy, the world awaits!  You already have a large following of Bradley lovers, why shouldn’t the list grow longer?

Hope you had a great Tuesday.  Ending today’s Challenge in the 31 For 21 Challenge!  Have a great night!

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