Monday, October 28, 2019

Dirty Face and Giggles

It’s the last Monday in October, it’s the last Monday in the Challenge.  It wasn’t a bad Monday, kind of quiet actually.  And that’s a nice break.

In some ways, Bradley is just like any typical little boy.  Dad is the center of all things cool and that being the case, where dad goes he wants to go too.  Today, when Eric got home from work, he went outside to use the blower to get rid of all the leaves in Bradley’s turf, and the new pavers in our recently completed backyard.  We didn’t get crazy creative back there, but we did get rid of most of the dirt.  I know; some think that’s a horrible thing, but for our needs, it is mandatory.  Keeping Bradley safe is the Priority.  If we keep him safe and we keep the space clean and nice, the girls will bring their friends too.  Our plan is to get chairs out there, maybe a table, and a fire pit.  Then the family can sit out there together on the good nights.  The girls and their friends, or Eric and I after putting Bradley down for the night, and if they are nice the girls can join us too...we’ll see.  Just options.

So back to after work today.  Bradley sees Eric outside, and like a good dad, when Bradley tries to join him, Eric makes sure Bradley’s shoes are on the correct feet and lets Bradley trail along with him.  From what I could see, Bradley was the line boy, making sure the cord didn’t get tangled.  Or maybe tangling the cord?  Perhaps trying to unplug the whole operation?  Who knows really.  Whatever, it worked.

Once the blower was put away, I walked outside with them and the first thing Eric told me: “He needs a shower.”

I took one look at Bradley and started laughing.  Yep, he did.  Filthy hands, filthy face, filthy body.  I look at Eric, he’s clean.  Before I can ask he starts chuckling: “He ran in front of the blower, took a shot from the head down.”

Bwahaha.  Cracked me up.  All boy and all dirty, just as he is supposed to be.  But I will say, he wasn’t overly excited to be so dirty, he kept trying to clean his hands and trying to clean his face by wiping it on my shirt.  Then rubbing his hands through his hair to dislodge the dust.  But despite all that, he kept smiling and giggling, so I think it was worth it for him.

He didn’t object to the shower that followed, or the loss of the leaf that was down in his shirt either.  Instead, he got cleaned, he got dressed and played for a bit before he decided to try chocolate pudding AND Chips Ahoy cookies.  He ate all the cookies and half the pudding.  It’s a win in my book.

So yeah, not bad for a Monday.  Not bad for a break in the winds for Bradley to get some play time with Dad, even if Bradley was the only one thinking it was play time.  😉

Happy Monday, night all.

31 For 21 Blog Challenge.  Because some days are just good days, for no other reason than they just are.  ❤️

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