Saturday, October 26, 2019

UCLA Volleyball Night!

Go Bruins!

Friday night was college volleyball night.  Thanks to the girls’ High School Volleyball coach, the High School players got to watch a game for a dollar.  And what a great game!

UCLA Lady Bruins are unranked and were up against the undefeated No. 2 team in the nation, Stanford.  And the Bruins pulled off a three game sweep for an upset, all very exciting.

The girls rode together in a van with the Coach, while Eric, Bradley, and I drove down taking a friend and his daughter with us.  We all met up and walked through the student store.  Bradley chose a shirt to support the Bruins and ouldn’t wait to wear it.  Then he sat patiently, though not wanting to eat while we all had dinner before going in to see warm-ups and the game.  Pauley Pavilion is quite large and we were somewhat surprised to see such a full house.  Surprised, but oh so pleased.  Ladies sports don’t get nearly enough recognition and now we all wonder where or if they will survive this new agenda.  But that is another topic entirely.

The girls sat with the team, and Bradley sat between Eric and I.  He was interested in the the people around him, saying hi to a few, but after a bit he requested his movie and we got him set up with his movie and his headphones and he sat crossed legged in his chair while we enjoyed the game.  And we did enjoy the game.  At one point, we kind of smiled at each other and acknowledged between us how much Bradley has grown up and developed to the extent that he was willing to sit with us.  To see him looking up and looking around, was such a joy, interactions are the best sights with him.  He would look up and copy fans by occasionally clapping and holding up his finger on game point like everyone around him.  We’ll shrug past that whole little “ooohhh” in the middle of the National Anthem, mostly because we’re pretty certain that he was trying to sing along.  😉.

After the game ended, there were plenty of pictures and such while the girls enjoyed being able to stand on the gym floor, feeling the awe of being there, of standing where one the highest level of game play had just dominated the floor.  Definitely some awe for sure.  About then, Bradley wanted up and his head found dad’s shoulder and he was out for the night.  A friend of ours was watching the game on tv and told us she saw a cute but sleepy little guy with his head on a dad’s shoulder and realized it was Bradley.  So yeah, he was ESPN 2 famous for about ten seconds last night.  😁. He seems unaffected by it though, fear not.

We got home long before the girls, got him settled into bed and barely kept our eyes open until his sisters finally got home.  In a rare feat, Bradley actually slept through the night, which was so appreciated by his mom and dad.  I know I needed the sleep for sure.

Our boy is growing up.  He walked most of the time, only getting a lift once in a while and then of course after the game.  But that was big.  And when he didn’t need to hide away from the noise and the commotion, that was even bigger.  Granted, if the match had gone to five games - well, who knows what he would have done and how the night would have ended.  But, it was a great time, a great night, and such a success for our little boy.  Definitely a win for Bradley and us!

When he starts growing and developing - he sure does it in the best surprising ways and moments!  31 For 21 Blog Challenge - grow buddy grow!  So proud of you!

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