Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sleepless in Our House, Again... Sigh

This day has been so long that I thought I forgot a day in my blogging.  

I should be used to Bradley not sleeping. He started deciding not to sleep back in February, we aren't sure why, but we had had a Honeymoon period where he had been sleeping pretty good, even through the night at times.  So when he started to wake at night again, it was a surprise and then it became a drudge.  My productivity has fallen considerably.  My plans to scrape and paint the kids bathroom are in flux as the bathroom remains a peeling mess that we discovered two weeks after moving into our new house.  Turns out they used the wrong paint...oh great.  My other project was to repaint the kitchen after taking the wallpaper off...then paint out the entire kitchen from walls to cabinets.  I had even begun the sanding of cabinet doors in an attempt to determine if we actually had wood, and if it would be the kind of wood finish that would let me stain them and return to a more natural beauty... well, I discovered that something like bright white or light grey might be the best option as our kitchen is the smallest space in the world, so white might be best - make it all seem bigger.

Lately though, my time is spent trying to just get him out to school, then grab a nap to try to stay awake until I get him to bed at night...then maintaining the basic household needs like laundry, cleaning, and cooking. Some days the sheer amount of paperwork to go through and manage takes the whole time he is at school...and then some days, my attempt to keep all of his Pediasure, and all the medication that he and his sister take into a rotating, chronological order - takes a surprising amount of time, sometimes more than his time at school, flowing into our afternoons together.  And even then, I am finishing up after he goes to school the next day - with Dad's.  We get home delivery and they give us three months worth at a time...there are times that I just wonder how in the world the company can access the amount of medication that they should get and have it match what they need.  Short in one area and overflow in another and I am left trying to contrive safe medication storage.  Good grief.  So, my kitchen is not started and the bathroom is mocking me.

And just when I am thinking that our new medicines might be the answer to Bradley actually getting some sleep at night, and he and I only see each other twice in a night - he reminds me not to complain about seeing him only a couple times a night.  Like last night, when I spent more time in his room than mine, only getting him settled enough to sleep at 3:00 and stay asleep for two and a half hours before he came in to our room and crawled into bed with us for another hour and a half of actual sleep.  Good grief.  So after those luxurious hours we've been at it all day trying to manage these hives and the fever that has come back with them, the itching and the heat that radiates off of them.  My guy is miserable!  But here is where I have some hope.  He has laughing while watching his movie in the last couple hours.  He has been jabbering at his movie the last ten minutes and we haven't heard a word out of him in almost two days.  He's grinding his teeth like there is no tomorrow and his vampire teeth have to be ground down before someone sees them at church, but hey - he hasn't had his hands in his mouth in 36 hours... so, yeah, that's a big win too!

He's just had his night time meds and I'm about to pop him into the bath to cool off his skin and prep him for bed.  We'll even pretend he's actually going to sleep and put him in his pajamas, maybe even read the stories and let him try to settle for sleep...might even go to sleep in his bed for a little while until he wakes and calls his first meeting around midnight and we just hang out until he gets over tired and finally crashes out at some point during the pre-dawn hours.  Those hours where I would have been coming in from a night of dancing and then breakfast with friends and my now husband...but that was so many years ago, from a time when the need for sleep was somewhere in the top ten needs I had - but not in the top five for sure.  Boy how times have changed, now I'd put sleep at the top and food somewhere in the top ten, not caring where.

Oh well...the beauty of time is relentless and just as it marches whether we wish it would or not, we all change and hopefully grow with the changing.  I have grown rounder and apparently shorter than I was in my twenties, but I have a great life with a beautiful family.  So time might show in my face and the lines of my hands, but I have lived and for that I will have few regrets.  Right now, the only need that sits above sleep on my list, is Bradley to get back to Bradley.  His health has precedence over all things for now...tomorrow if he feels better - maybe I'll throw in a nap for me.  But as with all things Bradley - one step at a time, one day at a time.

Kind of tough first Saturday in the 31 For 21 Blog Challenge... but it is a day in the life of this family living with an little extra something that makes it all worth it in the end.  May we all have a peaceful night, whether you sleep early...sleep in the early hours (you lucky young uns you) or whatever sleep you get - enjoy!  

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