Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Stressful Well Child! Ugh

Spent two hours at the Pediatrician’s office today.  The first fifteen minutes were spent waiting, then we got called back.  He did his weight and his height, and then actually let the nurse take his blood pressure.  Then she asked the other nurses if he could do a hearing test, and they said no.  Then she comes back around the corner to me, “Can he do the hearing test?”  Cue my “Seriously?” Face.  I’m fairly certain that I managed to drop my face so the girl couldn’t see my reaction, and just merely shook my head.  Then she asked if he could do a vision test.  I told her he doesn’t say his letters.  She’s like, how about these pictures, will he say house and stuff.  Um, no.  My non-verbal son will not identify your tiny black and white barely recognizable pictures.  Make them bigger, in color and with some actual detail and he just might.  But not today.  I just said, “No, not really.”  I’m trying to be nice because she is new.  Like this might be her first job new.  And the thing is this; sure it’s a bit frustrating, but I know what’s coming for him and me, and it’s just not worth the energy expulsion. Trust me!

We get to the room and she wants me to get him down to his diaper...which is fine, except the doc takes another twenty minutes because he lets me know he’s running a flu test and doesn’t want to have to leave Bradley once he comes in.  So we hang out, but by the time the doc comes back in, we have a onesie back on and Bradley is pleading his case that we should just go home and come back, like never.  But I am pointing out to him it is just a Physical AND, his ear is dripping fluid...so probably an ear infection, so... we gotta stay.

In the interim, we hear another kid screaming and crying...like super loud.  Like, maybe that kind of place should consider a tad bit of increased soundproofing in the rooms... so that maybe my guy doesn’t start crying because your kid is screaming.  It’s just a thought.  So Kid in the other room keeps screaming - mortal terror screaming, and I am feeling a bit uncertain myself.  When they finally leave, turns out SHE - says she’s never coming back, and her sister tells their mom, she isn’t ever coming back.  I desperately am trying to not laugh out loud because my guy is terrified by the screaming and jumping at every sound now.  Sigh, lots of back rubbing to calm him down.  He settles down back on my lap, just resting.  When his doctor walked in, he jumped out of my lap turned around and burrowed into my lap, arms tightly around my neck.  Sigh...

So doc and I talk about Bradley, and Bradley relaxes again.  He even allows for all kinds of testing, eyes and such...but then doc wants to check out that ear.  Oy!  It’s like wrestling an octopus.  Dear God Almighty.  I am exhausted, and though I had the heavy lifting of holding Bradley down, his doc was great about contorting into position in order to get his ear cleared out enough to see in.  He saw fluid.  As he got himself back together, I’m thinking “fluid?”  I didn’t say it, but he saw it and laughed.  “We’re doing drops.”  He blows out a breath, “He’s strong.”  I just nod my head, “Yeah.”  And laugh too.

So we finally leave at 4:20.  Happy that Bradley is growing as he should, all his labs have looked good and he’s on schedule to get into all his other necessary medical appointments.  The day ended with ear drops in and snuggle time with Dad.  We’ll see if that screaming kid or his own screaming follows into his dreams, I’m hoping that he is too exhausted to care.  I guess time will tell.

It’s okay.  We have a little boy growing into a big boy, he has an ear infection yeah, but it’ll go away. He has to put a little weight back on; cause he dropped a bit, but that Roseola rash was no joke.  And his new doctor is getting to know us pretty well, he is relaxing around us and we are having conversations.  He’s always been nice and earnest, but he gives me more information now, and trusts me with more complicated explanations.  We miss the pediatrician we had, we made a great team.  It’s a relief that we have created a new team and we feel pretty good about it.

It’s been a long day for the 31 For 21 Blog Challenge.  But my boy is doing well and that’s all the matters...even if mom is trying to decide what she needs more...an adult beverage or chocolate... hint - probably chocolate!  😉

Night all, thanks for checking in.

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