Sunday, October 13, 2019

Play Ball!!

We had a pretty busy year in our house.  The girls were busy playing a lot of volleyball; but not to be outdone, Bradley stayed busy too.  To be fair, a majority of his busy was going to visit his doctors and therapists; but when you are as popular as he is, it tries to feel like you are just visiting friends all the time.  Well, not really, but we like to try to convince Bradley of that anyway.

This year, Bradley got to play his first year of baseball.  We don’t have a Miracle League in our town as yet, but we have been hearing good things that one is coming.  A field has been donated and there is talk of the field being built soon.  But until then, we signed him up for the Challenger League.  What an adventure for sure!

We missed the first game because the girls had volleyball in Vegas.  We made it to the second game though.  The triumph of the second game was him taking part in the warm-up stretching and the warm-up tosses.  Plus he got his hat and his Uniform shirt.  He actually wore the hat and was pretty sure he never wanted to take the uniform shirt off...other than that, he was not interested in batting, fielding, holding his glove anymore, his hat... or pretty much being there anymore.  So not a huge success, but hey...he went out there.

The next time we held off on the warm-ups so we wouldn’t lose interest too soon.  Sydney and I took him because Dad and Madison were sick, and Sydney went into the field with him.  He stayed for a bit, got bored and sat down, got bored with that and wanted up - so Sydney; the trooper she is, helped him play baseball while he played koala bear.  He did bat, which was pretty stinking cool to see, which I did see as I watched the video playback.  My allergies were a little agitated while it was happening.

There were a total of five games, one we missed for prior commitments, one we missed because it was too windy and he was on the edge of sick so we didn’t even risk it with him.  One he wasn’t interested.  One he was involved and Dad was sick and then finally he was ready and dad was able to see the magic of Bradley batting and “playing” in the outfield.  He got bored and sat, but he didn’t require Sydney to play Koala baseball with him, so that was a win too.

The coaches were great, gentle minded individuals who see the beauty in providing something for their kids and other kids that regular little league isn’t inclined to offer.  They were encouraging, and they were willing to step back when a player wasn’t having it.  Nice!

As for Bradley, he saw so many of his school mates, some that were his buddies but not in his class anymore.  It is always so sweet, so cute to see how he is drawn to his buddies.  He isn’t one to interact so much as stand near his friends, just BE, be beside them, around them, a part of their world for a few minutes until time is called and we all go home again.


We were considering Soccer; but passed this year, Bradley’s still fragile respiratory wise when it comes to the winds and havoc it creates in his lungs...adding running to it...??? we opted to wait and look for basketball; which he loves, and baseball again.  The girls are again playing Volleyball this year, but like in High School season, they are playing on the same team, which means a lot more free time for all of us, while giving us all the Volleyball fun we enjoy so much with them.

Big plans for all the kids in 2020, on and off the courts!  For Eric and I, we only want healthy and happy kids.  That would be the best news and outcome for us.  😁❤️

Happy Sunday all, hope it was the best start to a great week for all of us.  High School ball wraps up this week unless our girls come up big and find a way into third place in their league...we’ll see.

Awareness and Acceptance of Down syndrome through 31 Blogs in 31 days for Trisomy 21.  31 For 21, Rocking an extra chromosome in October!

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