Sunday, October 14, 2018

A Really Busy Sunday - For Some

Today the girls had the opportunity to go and be ambassadors to a group of teenagers from Japan.  Sports Academy, the Club they play Volleyball for, hosted the event and invited our athletes to come and volunteer to be demonstrators to help bridge the language barrier.  I asked the girls if they wanted or do it on Wednesday, Sydney has been so excited since, she started peppering me with phrases she might need to know so she could communicate with her new friends.  So I gave her a bunch and then when she got home from school I handed her my favorite phrase books so she could study.  And she did study, then today she took her note cards with her.  I asked her if she was using her phrases and she laughed and said, “Not really.  Mostly: hello, thank you, sorry...stuff like that.”  Made me laugh when she said every time she said thank you in Japanese, her group responded with thank you in English.  This I totally get because this happened to me all the time in Japan.  So we both laughed over this.  Madison had a blast too.  She loved her group and really hopes that she gets a chance to go and do this kind of day with more potential groups.  Both girls really enjoyed their day and their company.  Perhaps they are both a little homesick for Japan now, but that’s not such a bad thing either.  We want them to remember Japan and how much they loved their time there, it’s important.

As for Bradley, he spent the day with Eric and I.  He and I sat on the floor while he inspected every little car he has and pulled out every one connected with Lightning McQueen; so of course, we had to choose his McQueen shirt to wear for the day.  And then, when Dad got home from dropping the girls, he brought treats in a pink box.  Bradley picked up the mini muffins I was giving him, placed them on my plate and pointed at the pink box.  Then he proceeded to spend then rest of the day intermittently showing me that he can roll his tongue with superb accuracy and style.  He can even sneak it into a kiss, because he’s a stinkpot like that.

The three of us went to dinner, and he pointed to cheese pizza three times before the waiter finally showed up to take our order.  I turned over his paper menu to see if we could draw...he pointed to and said “bus,” then he pushed the paper away.  Just because he CAN color, doesn’t mean he has any desire too.  With his pizza, we ordered honey bbq chicken wings, his favorite!  He kept pointing to them, even as I was feeding him pieces, he still kept pointing to the platter until all the chicken was on his plate.  Only then was he satisfied to stop pointing.  Crazy lunatic boy.

All in all, it was kind of a quiet day, or a calm day, with Bradley.  These are proving to be fewer and further between, so we were pretty happy to mix this one in today.  It will take me a couple hours to get the house back into shape tomorrow, but that’s okay.  He was a busy little guy today.  His sisters were busy little girls today too... tomorrow, I can set things straight and they get back to their chores and Bradley keeps on rolling his tongue, jabbering, and hopefully still throwing us some intricate and curious little hand gestures that only mean things to him, but look really cute to us.  He’s copying something, just haven’t figured out what yet.  Haha.

Since part of today included a nap for the three of us, this is a short little note to end Sunday on.  Mom and dad are battling some strange make you cough cold, so the nap helped...and the medicine is making me sleepy.  The girls were exhausted, Bradley was too since his weekend mornings always start earlier than his school except for the dog snoring - it’s a pretty quiet night...perfect sleeping conditions Bradley... do this for me buddy!  Just in case he doesn’t choose to do this for me, I’m headed to sleep too.

Until tomorrow friends, have a safe and good night!

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