Thursday, October 18, 2018

First School Cold of Third Grade

Bradley has graduated to allergy shots once a month.  We haven’t reduced his Zyrtec, or his Flonase - we probably could, but right now he is doing so much better as things are that hitting that previous goal of removing medicines seems a step too far to take.  And here is the paradox...remove a med and hope that he doesn’t Backtrack...or stay right where we are and see what happens over the next six months to a year and frankly be ecstatic with how things are for him right now.  When he’s doing well, the last thing I want to do is change anything... but still...

And we won’t be trying it any time soon as he came home from school with a fever today.  The Santa Ana winds kicked up at the beginning of the week, when that happens we try to keep him out of the wind as much as possible.  Too bad the bathroom is a considerable distance from his classroom; yeah,  sort of inevitable really.  He had a lot of behaviors at school.  Hitting his head...all the stuff I hate to hear about and know that he’s doing, but somewhere along the way I was handed the adulting job, so I have to hear about all that stuff.  And despite the reassurances that Bradley was doing all right, his teacher still had the behaviorist trying to work with him today.

For some reason, my guy doesn’t like to return to the classroom after the bathroom breaks.  Today he felt like crap so he was off the charts in his behaviors.  So he came home with a couple bumps on his head because he reverted to trying (and today successfully) hitting his head on the ground.  Apparently, they tried a sort of foam like helmet; well um yeah, that didn’t match his outfit so he tossed it.  Just kidding, thing is he doesn’t like hats; in fact, he hates them.  And the thing about Bradley is, he is the same today as he has been the last six years.  He does not have one thing that he loves more than anything else and will follow rules and compliance just so he can have that toy or that treat.  He lights up for one thing for a few days maybe a week, and then he doesn’t care if he can’t have it.  He just moves o to whatever is available.  So yeah, School was rough today.

My boy came to the top of the stairs of the bus, and I looked at him and could just say: “My poor boy, you had a rough day buddy.”  He climbed down into my arms, and put his head on my shoulder and we came inside.  He sat down on the floor, then laid down.  So we spent some time there as I helped him with his shoes and socks, then gently checked out his battle wounds from the day.  I finally told him “come here bud” and he crawled into my lap and laid his head on my shoulder and we sat there until he started to fall asleep, letting me rub his head (which he never does because he thinks I’m stealing his soul or something) before I got up with him and we sat on the couch.  A few drinks of juice later, he was sacked out and took a good two hour nap.

He is better this evening, surprisingly down at about his usual time for bed, so that tells us he is just really exhausted and not feeling well.  We’ll see how he does through the night whether or not we go see his doc tomorrow.  The fever returns we’ll go in, but for now he is fever free...go team Motrin.  Fever free and hopefully pain free for the night which I am hoping means a good night’s sleep for him and me...followed by a day where he is feeling better and recovering tomorrow.  Time will tell of course, but I am hoping that this is just a mild cold that goes away quickly.

Unfortunately, Bradley will miss the school Jog-a-thon, which is only a bummer because he loves to run out on that field.  Tomorrow will also probably be a wind free day, just because.  But if it is, we’ll go outside and have our own jog-a-thon if he’s feeling better.  But we’ll see how it goes.

For now, everyone to sleep except Madison who is busy finishing up her AP US History homework. Finally, a night I get to bed before she does!  Hah!

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