Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 14 - Awareness of Down Syndrome

We Went for a Walk Today!

We planned to walk this morning for ALS in order to promote research and find a cure.  We had a wonderful visit last night and none of the kids got to bed on time.  So once we got home we put one sleeping little guy to bed and helped two little girls asleep on their feet to theirs.  Withing thinking too much about it, I wrote the Blog last night before bed, then hooked up Bradley to eat, headed to bed and didn't even think to set an alarm.  I mean why would I?  This kid is like his own alarm clock, he is up everyday between 6:00 and 6:30 a.m.  I would love for him to sleep in, I mean especially on a Saturday morning...those are always my mornings.  But no, he thinks that no matter what time he goes to sleep, he should be greeting the day that early in the morning.  Everyday...well, except today of course.  Today he decided to sleep past 8:00.  For a walk that was to happen twenty minutes away...well, I was pretty sure...I wouldn't be getting there on time.  My girls were still snoozing soundly and I was trying very hard to wake up. 

So we didn't make the 9:30 start time we were given...and I figured we were well past our ability to make the walk...but when I sent my regrets over text, I found out that the walk didn't even start till 11:00...  even I can make that.  So I got the girls moving and we motored off without a backward glance...hoping to figure out the way as we went.  Surprisingly, we made our way and we found it!  And literally, just in time.  The girls and I did the 2 mile walk in support of finding a cure for ALS...and in honor and in loving memory of my precious Uncle, who fought it and lost his battle but never his dignity or his magnificent spirit.  So today I took my two girls to walk for him and remember him, and while we walked I said a prayer of gratitude for the family he left behind, for the love he created around him, and for hope - that another person, another family, will not lose a battle with this disease. 

My little man stayed home with dad, he did after all have surgery a mere few days ago, we didn't see him enjoying the scrunched up time in the stroller needed for the walk.  Plus, here in was it HOT!  There should not be this kind of heat in this month...we need FALL!   

So we did our part in some small way to help, and it felt pretty good.  There are just so many areas where we have no control...when we get a moment of feeling like we are trying to help to make a difference, somewhere - somehow, we like to try to take it.  I guess that's where the Buddy Walk comes in for us.  We don't know what tomorrow brings for Bradley, but we do know that if we don't find some way that we can make a difference in Bradley's future, find some way that we feel like we are making a difference in his life...our feeling of complete helplessness will eat at us.  We have to feel like we are making strides towards a better tomorrow for him, we wear our shirts in his honor and use them as the sounding board for questions that people have and hope that we can help prepare another family for the introduction of a child with an extra chromosome.  We hope that we can pave the way for others to see the person and forget the fear of the extra chromosome, and we're hoping that that will make the biggest difference in Bradley's life. 

October is Down Syndrome Awareness month - but everyday is a day you can reach out and connect in a positive way with someone who is just a bit different from you. 

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