Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 26 - Down Syndrome Awareness: 31 for 21 Challenge!

Day 26 - Laughter IS the Best Medicine! 

This was my update on Facebook yesterday: 

This is what happens when I go to Physical Therapy:
Madison: <Burp>
Dad: "Geesh, Madison. Didn't hold that in did you? You're a lady you need to try harder to keep that in."
Sydney, immediately: "She holds it in it'll become a fart."
Dad later to me, "Thank God I wasn't drinking anything."

So this brought to mind another set of memorable exchanges from our youngest daughter that went along the lines like this...

We moved to Japan in October 2006, just in time for Halloween, and then Thanksgiving in the Navy Lodge, only moving into a house in town two days before Christmas.  It was the fastest house we've ever put together.  Amazing but not funny...that happened in May, after we made the move to our house on Base and my mom came to Japan to visit.  Only a few months shy of three years old, Sydney was becoming quite the comedienne.  With giving her sister a hard time at the top of her list of things to do each day, she was getting pretty good at that too.  So one day, Madison got very upset because she couldn't find her favorite of course, we expended a great deal of time looking for the toy.  Finally, someone thought to ask Sydney if she knew where the toy was, to which she said, "No" she didn't have it.  A few minutes later she walked towards the hallway and as she passed grandma she could be heard saying: "Now, where did I put that toy?" 

Toy skip ahead a year or so and we bought dad a new toy, a Blue Ray player.  After a few weeks we came up missing a remote.  We looked for that thing for almost two weeks, I tore the house a part looking for it - I knew it had to be there somewhere, and I checked everywhere including all the toy boxes and play areas.  Really frustrated, I was at a loss and without much thought I jokingly asked Sydney, "Have you seen the remote for the Blue ray player?"  She looked at me, then kind of shrugged and walked off.  Meanwhile, I keep looking... about a minute later, Sydney walks out and says: "Here you go!" hands me the remote and trots off again, free to go cause her Mom is speechless, thinking "Oh My God!  I'm raising a Kleptomaniac?"  After I was sure she wouldn't see me chuckling,
I called her in and asked her to show me where it she got it from, she took me to her room and opened the top drawer of her nightstand...the one drawer I didn't look in.  "Ahhhh!!!" 

Dad and I gave her a stern talking to and felt that we got through to her and she wouldn't be walking off with things anymore.  Yeah, not so much! 

I used to  walk the girls to school every morning and I wouldn't take my wallet, I would simply put my ID in my back pocket because you are supposed to have your ID with you at all times.  So sometimes my ID would be on the counter top or the kitchen drawer when it was in transition between pocket and wallet.  One day, it wasn't where I left it.  So I started searching and looking and going through every place I ever kept the ID.  Then I called a halt to our frantic search and while I called for Sydney to come to the kitchen, Eric came in from his search area.  I asked her if she HAD my ID.  She didn't say a word, she disappeared down the hall, walked back in and handed it to me.  "Geesh Sydney, where did you put it?" 

She just grinned, "In my bathrobe pocket." 

We didn't reprimand her then, too busy we took the time to step back and stop laughing...I posted it on Facebook because there for awhile, Sydney had quite a few fans that were tuning in daily to see what she was up too.  Then we had the big talk, and I guess it worked - she hasn't walked off with anything since, or maybe she's choosing things that we won't notice for awhile and by the time we do she can; with complete honesty, say that she has no idea.

She has always kept us laughing.  Her mind is quick and she is brilliant which means that we are not only in big trouble because our eight year old is already smarter than us; it also means that she's going to keep us laughing...and she's gonna keep her fans laughing as well! 

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