Thursday, October 20, 2022

A Photo Drop 🥰

October 20, 2022

So here’s my rant. Facebook used to have those little frames that you could put around your profile pictures that let you celebrate special times, seasons etc. I used to find my favorite pictures of Bradley, with his sisters, Eric and I, and do a month worth of frames around them to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness month. While I have no desire to get into any kind of debate, I do encourage you to try putting a frame around one of your profile pictures with a cause that you believe in or something special you’d like to celebrate. If what you love is there to represent you, great. But I think our world would be a better place; if in the bigger picture, we could look at those frames and realize that there are only a few and the lack of other options are a true embodiment of how far we have distanced ourselves from each other. Group think is being encouraged and individuality is being banned and it makes me sad. 

So my friends, I am posting 38 of them from the past eleven years for your perusal, and I hope enjoyment. Oddly, this takes longer than the writing…now you know why my posts lack a lot of photos in them. Haha! So, yeah it’s been a thing I do…and I am so sad that the powers in control believe that my son and his community are not worth the recognition for a special month to celebrate who they are and what they contribute to this world. The world is better with Bradley in it, without the light that shines in our special needs community we are self-absorbed, selfish people who don’t take the time to see someone with a different ability let alone see and share a sweetness in life. We are better humans when we love like Bradley, when we forgive like him and nurture others the way he tries too. We weren’t special so we got him; rather Bradley is special so he choose us to be in his life. Being chosen by Bradley is a pretty incredible gift. Open your world to someone like Bradley and your world will unfurl before you like a butterfly testing new wings, bringing you the kind of joy we all deserve, the kind of challenges that make us work harder, and the rewards from it that make life all the more sweet. 

31For21 Down Syndrome Awareness and Acceptance. Life is better because of Bradley and those like him. 

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