Monday, October 31, 2022

October 31st

Happy Halloween! 

Hi all! We are happy to announce that Trick or Treating was an absolute success! After Saturday we were pretty worried about how things would go tonight. I honestly think that Bradley absolutely loves the part of trick or treating that lets him walk up and either knock on the door or ring a doorbell. A close second is if there is someone sitting outside, he likes to pick a candy out of a bucket or have someone drop into his bucket because who doesn’t like treats? But mostly, he really enjoys sharing a smile with someone. He tries to use his voice and with a little help, tries to talk to them. But he is pretty shy, so smiles are his biggest shares.

We practiced saying “Trick or Treat”. And he gave a lot of effort and tried really hard. But what we found out was that he’s really good at saying “Happy Halloween”. Or as Bradley says it: “appy Hawlloweeee” so cute!!! So after trick or treat, he would say thank you and then Happy Halloween. His Thank you’s are very clear as well. He worked very hard and we walked almost two miles, so he was pretty exhausted when it was all said and done. There were more people out and more treats for the kiddos this year; last year was pretty quiet, so it was a lot more fun this year. It might have been more fun simply because his big sister was able to go with us, he loves his sisters! Despite having Madison with us, he did start to get tired and wanted his juice and his movie with headphones, so we made a left turn and a straight walk towards where the truck was parked. We did hit the available houses on the way, it didn’t seem to bother him that he didn’t get to ring any more bells, he seemed relieved that it was a little easier when he didn’t have to climb up the stairs to doors anymore. He definitely perked up when we got close enough to see the fire trucks that were parked in the neighborhood and they were handing out candy and stickers. Bradley took a couple pictures with Madison sitting on the fire truck; and it didn’t occur to me to have a picture with him or with Eric, but we got him and Madison. Then he gave all the fire fighters knuckles and said thank you and Happy Halloweens. I always like to have him meet fire fighters and police officers and sheriffs, I want him to be comfortable with them. I want him to know that they are who he can go to if something happens, that they will keep him safe. Anyway, we went by our old neighbor’s house to say good night, then we headed to have dinner as is our tradition when trick or treating is done. Simple traditions are such a great way to tie the bindings that keep the family close. 

So it’s Halloween and the 31st and that means the Blog Challenge ends tonight. A month of 31 blogs trying to shed some light on the life of a little boy with an extra chromosome. As many challenges as Bradley has, there are just as many little victories and precious moments that make his life as rich as anybody else’s, in some ways richer. Bradley has a simpler lifestyle, he has a few things that are his favorites, a few people that are his everything, and he is open to accepting anyone that is kind to him. Becoming one of his favorite people takes a bit of work, but speaking with a few of those favorites I have learned that they think as we do, he is well worth that effort. Everyday is another day of hard work trying to meet that next milestone, sometimes they are so trivial in our lives that you and I zoomed by without noticing; but in his world, such an achievement is amazing and end up being very big deals. Appreciating how big the little things are can really help to open the window into a world we forget to stop and see. We become oblivious to the little miracles that happen everyday which is incredibly sad, because sometimes the little miracles are the ones we regret missing the most. 

We have a lot of medical happening this week. In terms of major issues, that’s less the case in comparison to over all time consumption. I am taking Bradley for a COVID test tomorrow so he can have a sedated EEG Thursday night. But before that, we will follow up with our favorite doc, and last hold over of our time at CHLA. I guess you can say we’re keeping custody of Bradley’s ENT in our CHLA divorce. One whole day of school this week, but I am quite certain he will fight me when I suggest he get ready for school tomorrow morning. And despite a pre-op appointment today that tells us he has finally hit 69lbs (woohoo!) and is growing, I am still bigger than him. Maybe that’s God’s Blessing to me, keep Bradley small enough for me to be able to pick him up if necessary for a little while longer. I rarely do now, but if I need too, it is a perk that he is still a little guy. 

Before I sign off, a few Halloween pics for you to enjoy… 

It’s been another crazy month in Bradley’s world. Another Blog in the books, another challenge complete, another year of celebrating one little boy with an extra chromosome in Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Look with your eyes but see with your heart and you’ll know that this gentle community that gets over-looked, ignored, and bullied so often - is the community that will show you the path to joy. 

Until next time my friends, thank you for joining me on this October journey - 31 days, 31 Blogs for October, Down Syndrome Awareness and Acceptance Month, the very special 21. Love to you all! Thank you for walking with us! 

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