Friday, October 14, 2022

Adventuring with the Stuffies!

October 14, 2022

It’s weird to live in the same city for almost twelve years and have to ask people where things are. Perfect example, I’ve heard about a children’s beach, but had no idea where it was. I found it by chance this spring and wanted to take Bradley. Until recently, our adventures haven’t been very widespread, but as Bradley has better days and weeks, we are slowly feeling better about branching out with him. It took us five years (quarantine counts in our delays too) before we were able to get east and actually see Eric’s parents. Every year we made a plan, we worked on it and we set up as much as possible, and every year, something would get in the way and prevent it. 

So we tried again this last summer. With the pressure of a volleyball tournament we had to get too - Eric, Sydney, Bradley and I started a long drive to Florida. When we got out of the state we felt a little more optimistic about our chances; though I admit, Sydney and I were ready to hop a flight if necessary. 

Bradley surprised us all with how great a traveler he actually I turned out to be. He spent most of his time wrapped up in his movie or sleeping, but we had no accidents and he never fought going in for a toilet break. Because he has a temper and when he’s incredibly frustrated he can still toss the occasional object at us, I decided to pack him a bag of only one educational type toy at the bottom and all soft character toys at the top. Toy Story and Scooby Doo. Bradley has never paid too much attention to stuffed animals, they get a few minutes attention, then get set aside. But he loves his Toy Story characters, and we have watched him play with them, especially in the mornings before he gets his iPad. But he has a stuffed Scooby too, and I’ve seen him play with him quite a bit - so they all went with us. We would not be disappointed. 

There were times we would look back and see him with Scooby under his arm watching his movie with him. They watched together, they sang together and they laughed. One of the coolest things we’ve witnessed from him, watching his pretend play come alive as he whole heartedly loved his stuffed buddy. 

The other entertainment Bradley gave us was with his harmonica. We bought him a harmonica for Christmas, but Mom put it away for safe keeping until Christmas…and didn’t find it until May…hmmm. Great hiding spot! 🤦‍♀️  Anyway…when I gave it to him he gave one little blow, then tossed it, not interested. I was a little disappointed, but put it on the bookshelf where all his toys live. A couple days later, I’m getting his medicine together and I suddenly hear a harmonica. It takes me a second, I stop and walk to the living room and realize that he’s picked up the harmonica, sat on the couch and he is playing it like crazy! It was off key, just long, odd loud notes - but beautiful to hear! Fast forward, road trip with Bradley playing his harmonica…pausing to give big belly laughs and then play some more. It was all fun and games, until he lost his harmonica and really, really wanted it. A twenty minute search of the van with no luck, then an internet search, and two stores later - Dad comes out with a new harmonica and a spare. Crazy? Well… yes…but you’ll do a lot for peace in the middle of a long road trip! Except, that evening as we got stuff out for the hotel…his lost harmonica shows up. Someone (Bradley) had stuffed it down beside the seat and the wall. Ugh… Dude! Really? Good grief! 

Bradley is still playing with his characters, they get stacked onto his movie, or my new favorite was when he pulled stuffed Buzz, Woody, AND Jesse out of the Mystery Machine! I have no idea how they fit or had any idea they could fit! Bwahahaha! As for Scooby? He still picks him up every now and then to play, but when we go in the car and Scooby comes along - it makes him happy to have Scooby in his own seatbelt sitting next to him. Safety first! Haha! 

31For21 Blog Challenge for Down Syndrome Awareness and Acceptance. Come on Scooby, more adventures to be had! 

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