Saturday, October 22, 2016

Our Friday Night Shenanigans

Day 22: 31 For 21 Blog Challenge for Down Syndrome Awareness

It's been a long day and by day I mean at the start at 12:01 a.m.  Bradley had the roughest night in a while, he could not stay asleep and even when asleep he wouldn't stay in bed.  We had the lovely Ms. Sam last night come and hang out with Bradley for Respite Care.  While he stayed here and played, we took the girls to dinner. Usually it's just us, but last night we met up with a majority of Sydney's Volleyball team for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.  I just want to go on record with this: pre-teen girls are really, really loud and really, really full of drama.  Every new girl was met with squeals and groups hugs, like they hadn't just seen each other at school, like four hours prior...oh and the partings...I don't know how these girls get through a whole weekend without seeing each other.  I thought someone was going to start crying at the good-byes.  Holy Moly!!!  Massive, and quite painful eye roll right there!  Obviously the Good Lord knows what he's doing...I thought I couldn't do well mothering a son, cause I thought we only made girls...turns out, the Lord knew I wouldn't have survived three girls.  Yikes!!  Holy Hormones Batman! 

Part of me wanted to rush home early before Bradley fell asleep so I could snuggle him and soak in his little boy smell and remind myself that sometimes he is the easiest one.  And yet, the rest of me stayed put until we were the last to leave, letting Sydney enjoy her friends.  Watching young girls accepting of Madison and inviting her into their group.  And it was kind of cool too, Madison and Sydney were joking and teasing each other...not in that mean way that siblings can sometimes have, but more like the friends they could someday grow into being.  Don't worry, that craziness stopped about the time we got in the car, but for a couple of hours it was really kind of cool and interesting to watch.  Much more interesting than the girl drama that these kids exude around each other.  I wonder if boys do that too?  All I could think was that it would be best if none of these girls dated right now, no boy would have the chance to come away from those relationships without serious scars, though Sydney informs me that the boys are more dramatic and even more fickle.  Geesh!  She's funny though, she mentioned that she might have a "Crush" but that she doesn't put much into it because within a week or so she isn't interested anymore.  Hmm, you're welcome boys, her mom won't let her date.  Your official crushing of your spirit will have to wait a few years, by then maybe she'll find something to keep her interested for longer than a week or two.  :-) 

Not to be outdone, Bradley is going to bring his own brand of trouble.  I told him yesterday to knock it off, he can't date either.  In class, he was holding hands with one of the girls, but then he adjusted his hand so he was running his fingers back and forth over the ends of her fingers.  I guess he had to sit in circle and couldn't get to his shoes; he likes to take the point of his shoelaces and rub them across his palm.  He has sensory issues.  So I tell myself this, until a different girl is leaving and she looks at him and says "Hug!"  So he complies and then she leans in to kiss his cheek.  Okay now, wait a minute!  What are we teaching in this class exactly?  Hmmm.  Okay Ladies Man, easy on the charm please.  :-)  But I have to say, he has grown up a lot, here's his latest school picture, I almost don' recognize this big kid:
Apparently, big kid or not, he still is little enough to miss his folks when we aren't here to tuck him in.  He was up three times before we even could turn in, and then I got up with him two more times until 5:30 when I was too tired to get up and made him climb into bed with Dad and I and go back to sleep.  He was up and raring to go an hour later and ran all day long.  But the day did catch up and by the end of bath when we were getting jammies on he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open, and then was asleep before I could finish reading his first book.  Perhaps tonight he will shock us both and sleep all the way through?  Maybe?  Oh well, is what it is - but he's asleep now and my snooze hours are fast waning!  So good night all!  Catch you tomorrow! 

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