Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day Seven: A Brief Bradley Update

Here we go Day Seven!

The EGD surgical scope went well for Bradley.  We got him checked in and then had to hang out until they finally took him back.  He was excited by his new blue pajamas, but that wore off as all the nurses and corpsman paraded through our curtained area.  Initially. he waved and once said clear as a bell, "Hi." As he waved.  My what a beautiful voice he has!  He would say it again but in his usual whisper.  After that he wanted in his stroller so we could go "bye-bye" and proceeded to wave and say "bye-bye."  When we didn't load him up and go he got very agitated with us.  We had to wrestle pretty hard to keep him on his bed and in the pre-op room in the first place.  We saw a familiar face or two, Balboa does employee Civilian nurses, so there was one there that remembered him, and us.  It was kind of nice.

Anyway, his surgeon is more than just a doc now.  He's spoken with us so many times, we've discussed and brainstormed over the years and he even was calling us from his own cell over the long Holiday when Bradley was in so much trouble with his first Hiatal Hernia.  Strange how you can get close to people.  We have with him. 

But then, that's the key with Bradley isn't it?  It's not that he sticks out like a sore thumb by any means, more like in a field of roses he's a lily.  He just is a bit different from others and that makes him stick in a person's mind.  He's pretty cute, and his personality is quite engaging as well, so he's little, but makes a deep mark on people's lives.  He matters to a lot of people.  There are a few docs that move him into the realm of only a patient and forget about him once he's out of the office, and that's okay.  I don't need him to be everything to anybody but his Dad and I.  My only requirement is that he is everything to each doctor for the fifteen minutes of an appointment, for some those are double in length, but the correlation is that to some he is that everything, and fifteen minutes isn't enough.  For some, they don't need more medical time, they just want a few more minutes of Bradley.  Those are the docs that fall into the "favorites!"  They're the special ones and they come to mean a great deal to us, and they come to be a part of our Bradley Family.  We have a special Family that includes Bradley fans, friends, docs that just love this little guy.  It is ever growing, and for that we are simply, grateful and humbled by it. 

So back to the update, the good news is that this time there is no structural issue.  According to his surgeon, we don't need to see him again, accept to come by and say Hi.  :-)  The bad news, we aren't sure if any medicine can help.  Those are answers we have to wait a little longer for, biopsy results and assessments to come.  But all of that is for another day.  For now it has been a very long day and with Bradley sleeping almost peacefully, I'm headed off to my own bed. 

Night all!  Happy Tuesday.  Hug someone with a little extra something that makes them just a bit different...you're life will be better for the connection! 

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