Monday, October 6, 2014

Day Six: Avoiding the Unavoidable

Keeping Monday Busy 
Tomorrow is coming on us fast.  I can’t keep it at bay, and yet a part of me wishes it were over already. Of all his surgical procedures, this one is not that big of a deal.  The surgeon will take a scope and cruise down Bradley’s Esophagus and take a look at everything.  He’ll take it down into his stomach and turn around to look back up.  Along the way he will take a couple of biopsies in order to check for Celiac Disease.  Bradly has a weak Digestive system, and with someone taking a scope in there to look, it’s irresponsible to not take biopsies in order to cut down on future anesthetized procedures.  Besides, this is the test that they do in order to test for Celiac, IBS, and Crohn’s Disease…I say, check him while you’ve got him.  So I asked him too, he said they probably could he would talk to his GI to see how many slides she wanted.  We have a Case Manager at Balboa now, not sure why she wasn’t called in right away, we thought she was being brought in back in August with the first Peds GI we saw, but that request didn’t go through and it took a visit with the back-up Doctor to get it going because she thought it would be good idea.  Anyway, she’s trying to get Dental to mosey over and take a peek in his mouth while he is knocked out too.  Don’t know if that will happen, but we sure appreciate the effort.  And we aren’t too worried, we haven’t see the ENT yet, but we are pretty sure that the tubes in Bradley’s ears are not working well, or are out, or something…and will probably have to be redone soon, so more than likely Dental and ENT will collaborate then.  Always another opportunity will arise, oh yeah!  Grumble, grumble… 

I’ve managed to not freak out about the ramifications of this test and the results it will bring all day. I’ve worked very hard to keep my head wrapped around other things.  I have focused on my girls completely.  Sydney is coming off a mild concussion thanks to a dance with a pole at school last week; so we had a lot of catch up today.  We also had to stop in at school because while her little friend was incredibly sweet to grab all her things and bring her backpack to the office, she didn’t realize that Sydney’s water bottle was upside down and not properly closed; therefore and thusly, soaking her school IPad.  Let the good times roll!  When it rains it pours? Or at least it poured out of that stupid things case like rain, that’s for sure.  So you know, how behind can she get, it’s just an IPad, oh wait…everything is electronically taught now…curse you Technology!  Sigh… Oh well, is what it is, and like we told Sydney, accidents happen and your friend was anxious about you and to help you, we’ll take that over an IPad any day – this is why we have insurance on it!  So she’s at least back at school and getting a handle on the catch-up for her schoolwork which makes her feel much, much better.  The Yellowing bruise on her head, not so much, today it was not a favorite color, nor does it match any of her clothes…tomorrow…eh, who knows, just might! ;-)

We had the lovely distraction of watching Madison in her third Volleyball match, and the coach keeps playing her!  So exciting for her and for us!! J Her team is quite good; for truth, they have played three matches and have won each in two games.  Same with the 8th grade team, but they have more attitude about it.  Madison’s team is a bunch of really nice girls.  The ones that played Club well, help teach the others drills and give tips they’ve learned.  The ones that don’t play Club well, know it and are willing to be nice to the one or two girls that don’t play Club at all…cause those two are just as good as they are.  And surprisingly, there is a lot of Grace.  The girl that Madison subs in for is the best on the team, and she smiles and steps off the court, watches and is kind to mine.  I take it with gratitude.  Tonight, Madison had a big night; she passed a serve, and then spiked the ball.  Sweet!  Being as this is 7th grade, the key is in the serving, a good server can put the game away because the other team doesn’t have the passing skill to set up the hitters.  The opposing team, not great on the passing skills, our girls are pretty good.  Madison went for a couple really good serves that she couldn’t get, but a couple she did and she even chased down a few balls that she was able to pop up, and a couple she didn’t – but hit the floor trying.  She tried to keep the smile off her face; but geesh, she passed and spiked, that smile will last all week long!  Mine?  Oh very proud of her, very happy for her.  Loved seeing the coach call her to the sideline after her hit to celebrate with their team handshake.  After the game, really pleased to have him smile at us and respond to Eric’s “She’ll be smiling all week after that pass and spike!” with “How could I not have her on my team, she saves me.”  Her passion, that light in her, it can definitely do that. 

We topped off the night with an awesome, albeit brief viewing of the Space Station, this time everybody but Bradley got to see it; sadly he had already fallen asleep.  Maybe tomorrow night, right over head at 7:03 pm…set your clocks; I’ve set my alarm because my kids love this!  We have to take advantage of the next few available visibility days, my app just shows possible visibility for tomorrow, the 9th and the 11th, not sure when we can see it again after that, totally new at this, but loving it all the same. 

Girls had a great day; Bradley did great with his OT at the house today and his teacher at his school this afternoon, so he had a great day too.  Here’s hoping that tomorrow yields a good day for him with a hopeful prognosis.   Other than that, the girls need to have a great day at school and they both need to avoid accidents of any kind!    

Happy Monday! 

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