Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Sunday - The Good and the Bad

 October 18, 2020

Sydney went to play in a scrimmage type tournament this afternoon.  They went 1-1.  Eric dropped her off because of course parents couldn’t stay...although one set chose to set up their live stream so that they could justify being in the gym.  Not sure why they both had to be there, but hey - they have managed to figure out a loophole so good on them.  I’d say I wish I had thought of it myself, but I told Eric he should run the camera so he could stay, but the Director told him he would have to sit in a small, claustrophobic room to do it.  Turns out, not so much.  

So while Eric did that, Bradley and I hung out here.  He decided that he wanted to know why his mom kept stepping outside with the dogs so he finally came outside too.  He watched me throw the ball for the dogs from his favorite perch on his stool.  Eric even joined us for a little bit and then when we thought we were done - or rather I think the dog was hoping we were done, Bradley went and got the ball and threw it between us so we knew that he wanted to keep watching Sheba bring the ball back.  I personally think that he was enjoying Reba chasing the ball down and trying to corral it since it is bigger than her head and there is no way she can pick it up.  Mostly, she gets frustrated by her inability to pick up the ball then runs likes a maniac all over the yard.  She has these amazing leaps that cover quite a distance and make her look like she is flying.  I personally think that this is Bradley’s favorite part. Or maybe that’s my favorite part and I like to pretend it’s Bradley’s too.  Either way, he watches and laughs with us about it.  

So we all came back inside and now the dogs are still pooped and lying around the way dogs do.  Bradley watched his movie until the battery died and then I pulled out a jumbo floor puzzle of the ABC’s while Eric and Sydney were gone.  I laid out the poster to help him match the pieces better and hopefully keep frustration down.  I think that next time we should try without the poster because he was moving through the pieces like nothing.  He isn’t quite up to date on the alphabet, but I love to hand him a puzzle piece and hear him say “Egg”.  Maybe it wasn’t the letter and he wasn’t really indicating that he recognized the letters as we worked through the puzzle, but when he was willing to identify the objects in the puzzle, I was willing to let that go and celebrate what he could do.  Do I wish that the puzzle makers had chosen things like: “D - Dog”  Or “I - Ice” instead of “D - Dinosaur” and “I - Ink” ?  Why yes, that might help a whole lot in his ability to identify what he sees in the puzzle.  But I guess it will just be more exciting when he says D for Dinosaur and I for Ink.  Sigh.  

Anyway, now Bradley is busy pushing his cars through a tunnel - which is actually a hollow roller that his sisters use to rollout tight muscles etc.  Anyway, they have a new one that is not hollow, because Bradley has decided that this one is his and necessary for his successful tunnel (pretend play).  Or at least that is what I have decided as the mom in this house.  :-).  He likes to send them through and then line them up on the couch cushion beside him, if you by chance choose to touch his cars, he will then take them back and put them back through the tunnel because you have apparently contaminated them - and then send them back towards the cushion.  He likes to also set his movie into the edge between the cushions so it stands and he can set the cars before it like they are all watching a drive-in movie.  We have had to be very careful to remove any extra cars to make sure he stays even, because that is a level of flexibility that he has not reached.  But that’s okay, we’re working on it.  When he is done with all that, he likes to have his cars roll through his tunnel off the couch and apparently off the ‘cliff’.  When he started this I would grab their box and put it under the tunnel, and he thought it was hilarious that they rolled through the tunnel and into their box.  He won’t always adjust to make sure they have their box to roll into when he is on the couch, but when I tell him to clean up and they are on the floor, he will sit next to the box and every car will enter the box by way of the tunnel.  He has a great time and I have a clean living room...definitely a win-win situation for mom.  

All in all, a relatively quiet Sunday in our house.  Bradley played a lot and is now sacked out snoozing.  Madison is at work and we are waiting for her to get home from that soon.  And Sydney is trying to stay awake herself after having her first tournament in quiet a while.  Meanwhile, Eric is watching a baseball game I have no vested interest in this year, and when I finish here...I’ll probably go finish a couple books I am working through.  I guess the truth of a life with Bradley is that quite simply, there are more days like everyone else’s days then there are days that are as different or as extra as his chromosomes.  I whole heartedly miss watching my daughter play volleyball, and this will be the hardest season for me than we have ever had; but hanging with Bradley is always the same, a time for play, and learning, and growth - we can count on that always being the same when we are together so that helps.  

Have a wonderful Sunday night Friends!  

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