Turns out I'm the mean mom. I know it and I accept that that's the job that I signed on for. I'm just not one of those fad type moms. The only thing I let them get into that was pure fad were those Silly bands. Why did I? There is just a little bit of Japanese culture in me that makes me feel like if someone gives one of the girls a present then they should reciprocate in kind. So after a few days of the girls being given Silly Bands from their friends, I gave into the pressure and we bought some Silly Bands and the girls were able to give some back to their friends.
The last couple years I keep getting the request from Madison to read the Twilight series. Now I read them, and I did long before I knew there would be a movie. We were in Japan and didn't hear a whole lot about what was up and coming in the world of entertainment. Anyway, I enjoyed the first book and the premise, I considered stopping at Book 2, but powered through it in the hopes it would get better. It did. Great reads over all...but for my eleven year old daughter? Hmmm. And I have all these parents of her friends who want to put in their two cents worth because Madison likes to bring it up around all of them. I just hold my own on this, I think she's too young...all that teen-age angst, ugh. Is she ready, can she handle it? Yeah, probably. But here's the thing, now it's a stubborn versus stubborn issue. She won't let up, I tell her to stop asking me and she'll ask me daily anyway. And every time she brings in yet another mom with her opinion that is opposite of mine, it makes me want to wait longer to let her read it...I don't like to be manipulated. Right now I am planning to give her the first book for Christmas...I'm hoping she doesn't bug me so much that my stubborn streak makes me dig in harder and decide to do it for her birthday!
And if that's not bad enough, she wants to hit the Hunger Games series as well. Same thing, bring in the other moms, most haven't read them either, but they get on the list for teen reading and they figure what the Heck, let 'em read it. Of the two series, this one pushes me towards the first one. When I was a kid I was haunted by Lord of the Flies and to be honest, Madison is incredibly more sensitive than I was. I am just not so certain I want to open this door to her yet. I am strongly opposed to the story, to the very idea of this story and I really don't want her reading it yet. Eric and I watched the movie as the idea of him reading the book is laughable...and I have to say the movie was well-made, but the story was really rough. The thing is, this isn't her kind of story - but one that her little friends have read and don't really understand in the least. For some kids, this is no big deal, but I've seen the attitudes and behaviors coming off these girls at school, and I stand by my decision...this series can definitely wait until she's older.
She tells me daily everyone has read them except her. She adds in that everyone at school has a cell phone except her. And I just shake my head and tell her to forget it. She's not guilting me into getting what she wants...again I don't like to be manipulated. And I get all this from her, how she should have all these big girl privileges and they slide off me like water off a duck's back...then she sits in her brother's rocking chair in his room and asks me why her dad doesn't read Skippy Jon Jones to her anymore...uh....cause you're eleven and well, no one knew you wanted someone too!? And then she hits me with why don't I sing her songs at bedtime anymore? Well, I don't know Madison, cause I'm always trying to get Bradley down...and well gee hon, you're older now...you can tell me when it doesn't sound good, you couldn't when you were younger! That makes a difference let me tell you! Good grief!
So my daughter is growing up so fast I think it just might scare her more than me, and believe me - her growing up definitely strikes fear into my heart! :-) But here's the thing, she's so worth it. All the frustration on both of sides right now, this is what I know...she is worth it now and when you see the woman she is going to be - she will amaze us all. Her sister and her brother are going to follow her with all the frustrations and joys that we have with Madison. And just like with Madison, they are worth it and we all just need to wait and see the amazing adults they are going to be!
So yeah, the Challenges come in our house...sometimes with Bradley but just as often with the girls. Maybe a weird topic for the "31 for 21: Challenge" but remember this, Madison is being shaped daily by her brother and her sister. One's teaching her to fight and one to love, and together all three will learn how to be there for each other. At least, that's what this mom is hoping for! Have a great night all!
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