Sunday, October 13, 2013

Calm After the Storm

Some days it's like living in chaos in this house.  Right now we've got all three kids dominating the living room like this: Madison is trying to build a fort and keep it built while Bradley thinks that the blanket making the fort should be on the floor.  Sydney has her toy bow and arrow and she's running around telling us that she's being chased by a bear.  To help, Bradley is pushing Sydney into the fort/tent, like hands on her butt shoving her in.  And every time Sydney tries to leave the tent, Bradley chases her down and drags her back in.  So instead of running from the bear, Sydney sits in the tent and is shooting arrows at the "bear" from inside the tent.  Seeing this, Bradley is acting out his role of Daryl from "The Walking Dead" and running around gathering arrows.  The problems arise when Sydney wants the arrows back.  And if you've seen the show you know how Daryl feels about his arrows - Bradley feels the same way.  So we negotiated for Bradley to keep one arrow, the girls have fled the field and Bradley has decided to spend some time with his shadow friend.  Sitting at his table, Bradley keeps sticking the suction cup end of his arrow against the table and then manages to pull it off again.  Pretty nice work for him.  Now he's moving around the living room testing every surface to see where he can get this to stick.  The carpet doesn't work, nor does dad's leg.  Mom's foot is a no go as well.

Turns out it'll stick to the door, and just as he sticks it to the door he thinks it is hilarious to direct Sydney to shoot her arrows at the door.... Then he scurries forward to snag them off the door.  Only to push them back on the door himself; laughing so hard he can barely stand up.

In the midst of this Hurricane, Dad and I are splitting our time between watching them and watching football.  Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Kind of a relief after a stressed filled week.  Dad got called back to work, but not getting paid for it yet.  But that was just part of it; worse, Madison got bullied at school.  Much worse, Madison's best friend jumped in to bully her with two other girls.  Physically, no harm, but the pain in her tears sure hurt us all.  Dad went to school the next morning.  The Director was late coming in because she was sick, but the Asst. Director and two teachers spent considerable time with him talking it through.  When the Director came in, she spent time with Madison and all the girls.  She was determined to learn for certain that this was not an ongoing event in Madison's life, she wanted to be certain that it was only a one time was.  The girls involved were not suspended though it was close for them, instead they were given detentions for two days...hopefully, they got the message and this will fill Madison's bully quota for the rest of her life.  Wouldn't that be grand?

My girl was amazing folks.  She bawled her eyes out at home, maybe even in the bathroom at school where she fled, but school...she held it together.  She told the girls she didn't like what they were doing, that it wasn't nice, and then she walked away.  Grace under pressure, grace in the line of fire.  The next morning she went to school though she desperately wanted to hide at home; it didn't help that her parents told her that she had to go, she couldn't hide...she had to fight so the bullies wouldn't win.  But guess who answered every call on the first ring?  Guess who never took her shoes off all day so that I was ready to head out the door at a moment's notice?  Yeah, that was me.  And good thing too...Madison was so rattled she left half her books and homework at home and I had to run them over to her.  But I didn't mind that so much, I didn't wait to see her in the office, but I felt pretty good knowing that she would be making contact with the office at least once that day.  I was happier to learn about an hour later that the issue was being handled immediately and my kiddo had spent over half an hour with her Director and left smiling, an emotional victory - she's not afraid of school.

So the week ended on a better note than it could have.  I always worry about my kids, I worry about them out of my sight at school where I can't be with them and protect them, and I really wish I could put them in a bubble to keep them safe and just download all the things they need to know to survive in this harsh world using a USB cord or something, but I haven't learned how to do that yet.

What sticks with me right now is this: Madison was a reflux baby that was labeled a Grade Three (how it was measured at the time) and she was one grade away from retrospect, I see now how her ordeal was a trial by fire for Bradley and his reflux issue that would be considered by the hospital that treated Madison a Grade Four.  His surgery was something that our daughter was so incredibly close too, and we really had no idea.  I don't want Madison being bullied to be a precursor for what Sydney or Bradley will go through as they get older.  I don't want Madison bullied anymore, ever!  It is frustrating and leaves you feeling powerless as a parent because so often it comes out of nowhere and I know I always believed there would be some warning.  But we know that we have to be strong advocates for Bradley, that we will have to fight for him.  So we definitely aren't going to slack off with Madison and Sydney, perhaps because we know the kind of issues we might have to fight for him, it makes us better fighters, better advocates for all three kids.  Look out world, we are on the watch and intend to get all these kids safely and successfully through Pre-School, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and see if I don't hit a College Campus if necessary!  ;-)  Though based on this week, Madison won't need my help in College...might not need me in High School, she is one strong kid!

New week tomorrow, blessed half days and teacher conferences tomorrow.  Perfect timing for both.  Then we get a week off after that...these kids definitely could use a break!  Mom and Dad too!  :-)  Next Sunday we'll be headed home from San Diego and seeing our favorites!  We'll be tired sure, but hopefully, not having to relieve any other stress but what traffic brings!  ;-)

Okay "31 for 21: Challenge" followers, have a great Sunday evening!  See you tomorrow!

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