Saturday, October 19, 2013

Buddy Walk 2013

Waiting in line to get started

Today wasn’t about the Challenge, but it sure was about Acceptance.  It was about a group of people that came together to create a family, some would just call it a Team, but for those of us standing in the middle of that so-called Team, we know what it was, we felt the family that surrounded us today.  Messages came in from near and fear…support and love sent in to make sure that we didn’t forget the “family” that couldn’t be there today.  And slowly but surely, our team gathered into one incredible little group – 26 Bradley Buddy Brigaders this year!  Blessed?  Yes, every moment! 

We weren’t thrilled by the venue for a few reasons.  We had never been there before and worried about finding our Team, and it was a challenge.  There were no trees and the lack of shade was frustrating, but only because this year the sun beat down in all its glory on an incredible San Diego day.  The area was crowded with other events going on, and it just felt like we were all separated from each other.  Then there was the parking issue…ugh and a half.  But the worst part was that we weren’t at our place in Balboa Park where we could gather under the umbrellas at the Japanese Tea Garden Café and have a lovely Japanese lunch.  Considering Bradley was born in Japan, it always felt like that was our place, where we were supposed to be.  

Here’s the good stuff.  The area is beautiful; the day was incredible despite the heat.  And considering Balboa Park is working on her renovations, we were happy that the Walk happened rather than not happening.  Lots of great teams were out today, and lots of happiness and love settled over our group.  Bradley was a little sleepy until we took him out of the stroller, then he was on the move and ready to run the whole way…well, mostly.  Thanks to Bradley, we met a few other families as he careened from one person to the next: behind us, beside us, on the other side of us, through us, somewhere plowing through the ones in front of us….you get the idea.  Turns out his bestest friend in the whole world came along with us thanks to the sun, and he chased that little guy all over the place.  Kid’s name is Shadow, maybe you’ve met him?   Yep, he’s a bit of a scamp the he moves all over the place; but luckily, we were able to corral Bradley in the middle of all of us and keep him not only on the sidewalk but  out of the street.  The heat got to him a bit and he finally retreated to his stroller and his cup of water…considering I was thinking how nice a nap would be right about then, it was a relief for all involved.  I do think some of our neighbor walkers missed his forays into their groups though, they were getting quite accustomed to them and honestly, quite a kick out of Bradley. 

The other good stuff?  The lack of enough shade space, the heat, and the lunch choice (hot dogs and sauerkraut, and potato salad on a too hot day) sent us to another venue for lunch.  We lost a few of our members in the transition, but there was peanut butter and jelly and naptime to attend too, most important matters for our littlest walkers.  So we totally understood those needs!  Good-byes are always sad, but what a day to have with them! 

In a Hometown Buffet, in Clairemont,  we met and enjoyed a long lunch together out of the heat, sitting in shaded AC, with good food made really, really good food because the company was amazing.  Bradley fell asleep in the car, we knew he would.  But we all chuckled when he slept all the way through lunch.  Finally, finally, finally…as the time to leave drew ever closer, he managed to rouse himself and dove into a plate of food.  And I when I say dove, I mean dove!  He devoured his jell-o, and then somehow bathed himself and Eric in the remains.  Bradley loved the mac n’ cheese, baked beans and meatloaf, but don’t forget the peaches…always the peaches.   And what a huge relief that he ate so well!  A great day, filled with wonderful people and a Bradley eating so great…couldn’t ask for much more than that. 

Another Buddy Walk goes into the memory books, another day spent with family…filling the coffers to overflow and letting us know that we are not on this journey alone.  Today is always the reminder that true friendship and kindness do exist and we are Blessed because they both exist in our lives because we have one incredible little boy that chose us to be his parents, because two little girls chose us before him and together those three kids are shaping us into who they need us to be.  It’s not the easiest journey, there is a whole lot of walking backwards, to the side, the other side, and a little bit of a foray or two into the unknown part ahead of us; but the journey is a worthwhile journey.  Bradley’s is a story that should be told because he is a worthy member of this world.  And every year we manage to bring in newcomers to his story, and they walk part of his path with him and then go on to their lives with a little bit of his magic to take with them.  Their gift to us is being there for us, our gift to them?  Bradley. 

Thanks everyone for being there today.  We love you all and can’t ever express what it means to us to have you in our lives!  Have a great night and may you all be as Blessed in your journey as you have Blessed us in ours.  Hugs and love! 

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