Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Very Long Day 8

Our day started at 4:30 this morning...and if I can get my oldest to stop stalling, I might get to my bed that misses me dearly, close to 9:30...if I am lucky.  Sadly, she is in that stage that she is stuck in her own little world and doesn't think about others and their right now, I NEED sleep, she needs to stall.  Funny thing is...she'll be asleep within seconds of her head hitting the pillow.  Oh wait...maybe she is more like me than I think. 

Today, Eric figured out that our oldest is a lot like him when she is anxious.  Preparing to be put out for a his Angiogram today it turns out that he started talking a lot and asking a lot of questions...somewhere in there, he realized that she is like him.  He didn't look pleased by that, but he also was still loopy.  My sweet cousin (wonder if he likes to be thought of as sweet?  He sure is to me and my family, but still...)  hmm, my awesome cousin, stopped by to visit with us and see if we needed anything.  While he was there, Eric was talking shop with him...but does not remember that part either.  :-)  He does remember the visit.  He grinned when I told him and said: "Now you know why I don't work for the CIA!"  Haha....  Yeah, that and you talk in your sleep that sweetheart!  ;-) 

A stressful day that started with a nurse that calls us all back to take patients to pre-op with the comment: "I will show the families where they can wait."  Off we go.  We walk around the corner and she tells my husband that his procedure is at 7:30.  I say: "They told us 7:00"  She looks at me, then paperwork and then says "Oh yeah, Cath are at 7:00"  Then, like she's making me pay for correcting her, she goes: "The baby can't come back."  I just look at her: "Never asked for him to go back, you said to follow you to the waiting room where I'll be until I can take him to school."  Then I smiled very sweetly.  You could almost see the thought bubble over her head: Good point. 

So we waited until Eric was ready to go in for his procedure and the pre-op nurse brought us back to see him.  Then I took Bradley to school and hustled back through traffic to get there just a few minutes before he was finished.  Go me! 

All went mostly well from there.  There was a slight difference of me not bowing to the Will of the Cardiologist, and forcing a dialogue and subsequent discussion which led to a more potentially beneficial medicinal regime for Eric while we try to deal with this Cardiomyopathy that should get better.  Time will tell and we hope Heal.  Perhaps the funniest moment of the day (and there were a few), before I left to get Bradley in the afternoon, Eric was finally more lucid...we discussed the conversation that I had with his Cardiologist and Eric goes: "Does this mean I need a new Cardiologist?  I liked that guy."  Brat!  See if I protect you.  HAHA...  He cracked me up. 

Regardless, we got some answers and some new questions.  But for now, we got Dad at home.  We have a little boy starting to cough less as the pneumonia seems to be easing and two little girls that are in their beds ready to sleep like their brother.... where does that leave me?  Waking up Dad from the couch so that we can be re-introduced with our bed, a bed I know is missing us a great deal I am sure.  Perhaps I am the one that am missing my bed?  Whichever, I'll figure it out when I get there! 

Night all.  If the Royals had won it would have been a Fabulous night.  Eric having clear arteries just makes it Fantastic!  Hah....  Eric's great test makes the Royals game an after thought...but tomorrow...tomorrow there will be great baseball watching!!  :-) 

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