Saturday, October 3, 2015

Biting My Own Tongue!

October 3rd...and boy am I tired!

There are reasons that I go quiet sometimes...usually during a time when we are enjoying some exceptionally good health from Bradley.  Why?  Seems weird I know, why not boast the good stuff why save it for the rougher days?  Here's why...

Doctors, therapies say all kinds of stupid things to us... "Don't worry he can handle this."  "Don't worry, all the kids can handle this medication, this formula, this...whatever..."  And always, always he proves them wrong.  If they say he can, he doesn't.  If they say he can't, he will.

If they say it is probably nothing...I know when to start to worry.

He matched his shapes at school...had a fantastic day.  Fell asleep on the way home from school and within a minute of laying him down at home he woke up choking, retching...then vomitting...twenty long minutes watching him try to clear, watching him rear back and the pain in his eyes staring into mine begging me to make it stop.  Immediately, the coughing began...the heavy wet cough that is the worse sound I can hear.  Nebulizer treatments... and God he loves those (enter sarcasm font!)  A day that started at 11pm on Thursday night and didn't end until 10:30 Friday night.

He was gagging/retching and vomitting at 2:00  and the fever started at 2:30... By four I was giving him anti-nausea meds and wishing I could give him Motrin for his fever.  But he just had tubes put in on the guess who can't have Motrin for two weeks after surgery?  Yes, fabulous timing!

Got the girls to school and Bradley to the pediatrician who sent us for a chest x-ray.  Can't always see Aspiration Pneumonia on the first day, the x-ray showed a little bit.  We determined we didn't need to give this time but to agressively beat this out.  So antibiotics for Pneumonia and more Nebulizer treatments...did you hear him just shout YEAH?  Yeah, me neither.

I just said he was doing great and healthy and now here we are, I jinxed him this time...I can't even blame the docs for this.  Sucks!  But what I do blame them for is his Gastro doc saying he thinks Bradley caught a bug, that we shouldn't address the fears that the Nissen is slipping or unraveling.  And before you think I'm trying to borrow trouble...When I relayed to Bradley's pediatrician what the Gastro doc said...  Eric and I got THAT look...  That quiet little "Huh..."  Followed by, "It's good you're seeing him on Tuesday."  I could only nod.  He then asked me what time, so I told him... "Call me when you're done."  So serious, that I said, "Maybe you should call him?"  And he gives me his grin, the one that comes after years of knowing each other and working together to save this little boy and keep these kids healthy...that grin as he says to me, "I just might."

So the little guy is fighting again, but we are battling with time on our side having jumped all over this pneumonia thing before it can get worse...and this is quite bad enough thanks.  We have worried about his wrap all throughout this year,'s always a worry, but this year has had a lot more retching and vomitting.  That is the scariest part, the only time he's done that was when he had a Hiatal's hard to wrap your mind around the theory that he might be able to do that now without it causing horrible consequences.  Right now, we take care of the pneumonia, we help him rest as much as we can and sleep when he sleeps.  Except yesterday...every time I turned around, his head was on my shoulder and he was asleep.  On the way to the doc, at the doc's office, on the way to X-ray, waiting for x-ray, after X-ray, back to doc, all the way home (I wish I was exaggerating)! And then at home...wide awake....until we went to get the girls... Yep...right back to sleep!  At bedtime, I kept nodding off during his books, I think I read the same pages a couple of times before I finally got through them; luckily Bradley didn't notice and finally went to sleep!

Then I slept when he slept, and at 6:00am, he walked out of his room, I put him in bed with us.  Surprisingly, I was the one he cuddled with for another hour...I guess some habits happen fast.  :-). The only positive to him being sick was snuggling my son all day long!  I certainly love that kid, I'll take all the loving from him I can get!

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