Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015!!

Thank goodness for Halloween.  And I mean that sincerely.  What a perfect chance to be your favorite hero, that scarer, or that wish...and nobody cares.  In truth, most people seem to love the attempt to be whatever you're going to be.  Me, I kind of feel like you should make some attempt to dress up before you come walking up to me saying "Trick or Treat."  But I'm kind of picky that way.

So this year, Madison was Minnie Mouse and Sydney was a Goddess.  Neither of my girls ever choose something scary.  I didn't get it before, but I understand now.  They don't want scary because both of them get scared easily.  And one of them, Madison, giggles in response to being scared even as her eyes start leaking anxious tears.  Plus, neither gets to wear make-up, though Madison gets to wear a little bit as she is learning how to apply it without looking like a Hooker.  Is it still PC to say Hooker or do I have to say something like Independent Sexual Contracter?  Just wondering, probably best as a topic for another day.  Anyway, they don't know too much about those Hookers, or ISCs, or they would probably want to be one for Halloween.  Lots of make-up, high heels and questionable clothing... ?  Yeah, I can totally see one if not both signing up for that one of these years.  But this year was pretty tame, and though I don't remember Minnie wearing a lot of make-up and lipstick...she sure did tonight.mmand she had to have her nails match her dress, although I kind of get that.  Sydney had to be 'flawless', I told her we'd go for 'pretty darn good'.  Luckily, that worked out pretty well.

Bradley was Obi Wan Kenobi...and he had an awesome year.  He wasn't a huge fan of the boot attachment that laid over the top of his shoes, so he pulled up his pant legs quite a bit, but that paled in comparison to Mom putting gel in his hair.  However, he did find great enjoyment in trying to figure out that spiky hairdo.  We strapped down his boots and went to see our old neighbors, he enjoyed them very much, their puppies even more.  Not sure how long or far he would walk, Eric brought out his stroller...Bradley ran and immediately climbed inside it, a big surprise for us.  He'd never done that before.  As we started our treat hunt, he thought he could climb out for a house, and then jump back in.  And he tried this for two houses before we put a stop to that dangerous behavior and he just walked with us.  While he walked he was saying "Hi," and "Bye!"  Complete with fantastic waves.  He can't say "Trick or treat."  But he had a lot of please and thank you signs that he worked very hard to provide.  He trucked along until after the second house that scared him, after that he was done.  We gave him a small break then tried one more time, but he gave it a turn then wanted back in the stroller.  I am so proud of this little boy, he sure did a great job, and his efforts were not lost on those he met.  He was really cute and that was not lost on the candy givers,either.

Tonight he was merely a young Jedi, a really cute one, and no one mentioned his extra chromosome or closed any doors to keep him out.  He gathered candy as quickly and with as much skill as his two sisters.  He still would very much like to just knock on doors more than get candy, but that candy is a nice addition as well.

We walked until  the girls were walked out, then came home and watched the Royals game on DVR...I barely managed to not have a heart attack and in the end we won!  Such a great game!

The kids are long gone to bed and we are winding down our night and prepping for tomorrow 's Buddy Walk in Anaheim, our first in a new venue...should be interesting for us.  So, look for some bonus material as I catch you up to date about our 2015 Buddy Walk.

Until then, Happy Halloween, stay safe out there but also have fun!

And as always, for everyone that came along for this incredible journey, thank you for helping me to create this blog and to be a part of the 31 for 21 Blog Challenge.  Creating Awareness in order to find Acceptance!

Happy Saturday and Happy Halloween!

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